Why subscribe?

This platform is asking me to write a convincing argument as to why you should subscribe to my newsletter. I’ve been typing and deleting for the past few days because in complete transparency, in the grand scheme of Earthly things, I’m a nobody and there’s no fantastically curated reason you should spend another moment reading what I have to say.

I’m an almost 30-year-old American wife and mother who’s mind is apparently stuck in an era that nobody desires anymore. I enjoy caring for my family, I love creating things, cooking, giving the floors a deep scrubbing, and reading a good book. Most importantly, I love the Lord and it’s in my mundane boring life that I find the goodness of God.

This Substack will have tidbits about my interests, but mostly on seeking God, seeking His Kingdom, finding Him in the goodness of the everyday, dying to my selfish ways, on becoming less as He becomes greater (John 3:30), on navigating being a Christian woman in the modern world, and pursuing imperfect parenting where I grasp for divine patience and grow in Christ. I hope you join me in my pondering, thoughts, and studies as I seek the One who has offered me eternal life in an unimaginable Heavenly place. I hope you can find encouragement through these newsletters to draw closer to Him.

For His Glory! Soli Deo Gloria!

Subscribe to Seeking the Kingdom

Diligently seeking God and His righteousness in the modern world


documenting the goodness of God in the every day faith * femininity * homemaking * homeschool growing in Christ * John 3:30